Monday, February 13, 2012


I said it last week and I could say it every day until forever...the support we have gotten since sending out this blog has been amazing. One thing that has surprised me is the number of people telling me that I'm brave. I've never thought of myself as brave. Not just in this situation, but ever in my life. 

I know a lot of brave people. The wish kids I used to work for that had to face needles, treatment, side effects, surgeries and uncertain futures are brave. My brothers friend that got a heart transplant after months of being in the hospital is brave. The people in the military and their families are brave. My bestie that moved half way across the country not knowing anyone and without a job because she wanted a new challenge is brave.  Kids having to turn into adults too fast because they are put into scary situations are brave. I'm

I guess that means its true what they say about not understanding someone until you walk in their shoes.  Everyone gets up in the morning and does what they have to do to get through the day, to take care of themselves, and to strive for a better future and for the outcomes that they want.  I look at it as living.  This is my life, and this is where it has lead me.  I'm emotional and pretty transparent.  For me, keeping my feelings bottled up isn't an option.  It's just not how I function, and trying to keep that much thought inside would make me crazy. 

If that makes me brave, then that's awesome.  I am honestly flattered.  But, I think it just makes me, me. 

What makes you brave?  What makes you, you?

1 comment:

  1. wow how profound! i think you are more mature then i am! i ahve no idea what makes me me, i just am :)
